Final evaluation of ‘Turnover with impact’ programme
The aim of the ‘Turnover with Impact’ programme is to promote sustainable trade and investment between the Netherlands and emerging and developing countries. The final
The aim of the ‘Turnover with Impact’ programme is to promote sustainable trade and investment between the Netherlands and emerging and developing countries. The final
The synthesis report concludes that the projects score moderate to satisfactory on the contribution to poverty alleviation and changes in sustainable growth, self-reliance, food security,
The external evaluation of the ORIO programme assessed its achievements so far. Its main objectives were: to determine the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, additionality and policy
This external evaluation intended to reflect on and provide input for adjustment of the approach of CBI – the centre for the promotion of imports
The aim of this project was the evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of six so-called migrant entrepreneurship projects implemented in the
Electrifying Rural Tanzania, a rigorous impact evaluation As assignment under the Framework Contract with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency RVO, the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Rheinisch-Westfälisches
The key objectives of the Labour Market Needs Assessment were: Implementation period: June 2013-May 2014 Report:Niek de Jong and Jaap de Koning. Grenada Labour Market Needs
This evaluation of the project Intelligent Water Management – also known as project “Manos al Agua” – that was implemented in the Colombian coffee sector
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