El puerto que no debió construirse (The port that should not have been constructed)
Report: Niek de Jong, Rafael del Cid, Vivian Guzmán and Otto Genee. El puerto que no debió construirse (The port that should not have been constructed). ORET Evaluation 2007-2012 – Case study of Project “Champerico Fishery Port, Guatemala” (ORET transactions GT00017 and GT00018). Rotterdam: Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. March 2015 https://www.iob-evaluatie.nl/binaries/iob-evaluatie/documenten/publicaties/2015/402_bijlagen/bijlagen/guatemala-port/oret-casestudy-guatemala-port.pdf ORIO Evaluation Quantitative […]
Grenada Labour Market Needs Assessment
The key objectives of the Labour Market Needs Assessment were: Implementation period: June 2013-May 2014 Report:Niek de Jong and Jaap de Koning. Grenada Labour Market Needs Assessment. Report commissioned by the World Bank and the Government of Grenada in the framework of the Skills for Inclusive Growth project. Rotterdam: SEOR/ERBS, Erasmus University Rotterdam. May 2014
Evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts 2012-2015
The purpose of the theory-based evaluation of the Evaluation of PUM Netherlands Senior Experts 2012-2015 was to assess the: (continuous) relevance of the PUM programme, including the poverty focus as well as the relevance for the aid and trade agenda; improvement of the monitoring and evaluation function of PUM; adequacy of available management information for […]
Mid-term evaluation of the transition facility
The Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the so-called Transition Facility of the Netherlands Government had three objectives: The Transition Facility was established as bridging mechanism between the finalisation of bilateral development aid on the one hand, and a bilateral relation based on trade, mutual investment and other economic activities on the other. It was open to […]
The gaps left behind: An evaluation of the impact of ending aid
The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ERBS and Ecorys carried out six country studies to ascertain the impact of the ending of Dutch aid: Bolivia, Burkina Faso (English, French), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Zambia. Researchers of ERBS are co-authors of the studies on Bolivia and Guatemala. Reports: […]
Work in Progress – Evaluation of the ORET Programme: Investing in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries
This evaluation assessed the extent to which the ORET programme reached its stated objectives and it accounted for ORET’s functioning in the period 2007-2012 and the (financial) resources used. It also aimed at learning lessons for other Dutch public infrastructure investment programs and private sector development policies in developing countries. The main research questionsof this […]