The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ERBS and Ecorys carried out six country studies to ascertain the impact of the ending of Dutch aid: Bolivia, Burkina Faso (English, French), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Zambia. Researchers of ERBS are co-authors of the studies on Bolivia and Guatemala.
The gaps left behind. An evaluation of the impact of ending aid. IOB Evaluation No. 415. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department. ISBN: 978-90-5328-484-1. July 2016.
Willem Cornelissen and Caspar Lobbrecht. Impact of Ending Aid. Bolivia country study. IOB Evaluation No. 415. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department. July 2016.
Niek de Jong and Caspar Lobbrecht. Impact of Ending Aid. Guatemala country study. IOB Evaluation No. 415. The Hague: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation, Policy and Operations Evaluation Department. July 2016.