El puerto que no debió construirse (The port that should not have been constructed)


Niek de Jong, Rafael del Cid, Vivian Guzmán and Otto Genee. El puerto que no debió construirse (The port that should not have been constructed). ORET Evaluation 2007-2012 – Case study of Project “Champerico Fishery Port, Guatemala” (ORET transactions GT00017 and GT00018). Rotterdam: Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. March 2015


ORIO Evaluation

Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the Development Related Infrastructure Facility (ORIO), which is financed by the Netherlands. The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the achievements of the ORIO programme. Its main objectives were:

  • To determine the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the ORIO programme;
  • To learn from the assessment of the program’s functioning and effects and the use of resources in order to generate relevant information for the improvement of similar programmes.